Sheen Obsidian Horse Figure


Sliver sheen and Gold Obsidian Horse
🤎 Gold Sheen Obsidian 🤎
Gold Sheen Obsidian dissolves negativity and purifies the aura, and is particularly useful for clearing blockages of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of our personal power. It is highly effective for exposing and releasing ego conflicts and power abuse, and dispelling any sense of futility or cynicism.
🩶Sliver Sheen Obsidian 🩶
Silver Sheen Obsidian has a higher vibration that pure Black Obsidian. It has a calm, cool energy that helps us to be directly conscious of what is happening inside us and around us, and to face that reality without fear or denial. It invites us rise up to whatever challenges we are faced with and to make good choices. It helps us to realize that thoughts and feelings don’t need to be magnified or over-analyzed. Our internal dialogue is just information about what is happening outside and inside of us. Silver Sheen Obsidian helps us to realize that what truly matters is what we do with that information; what actions we take or choose to resist. Silver Sheen Obsidian helps us to know what actions will serve us best and serve the Highest Good.
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Sliver sheen Obsidian

Sliver with a sheen

Gold Sheen Obsidian

gold with a sheen


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